Thursday, December 8, 2011

access, relate and concept

I don't think that using your cell phone while driving is a smart idea. If you access the death ratio with cell phone usuage the statistics are very high. Many feel like that can't relate to driving and not using their phones because nothing bad has happened to them yet; however, the concept of driving and using your mobile phone is crazy to me. You are more likely to die or crash or even injure others if your cell phone is at hand. It would be a good idea for people to put their cell phones out of reach while driving to resist the temptation

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A person who means a great deal to us is Ms. Thompson. She is caring, nice, respectful, and understanding. We know her because she was are school counseler and rigos foster parent.
-----What is the person like? (Write at least two sentences.)
-----Why is he/she important to you? (Write at least two sentences.)
-Closing Sentence: she cares for us and likes to help kids.
-----What is your current relationship with this person like?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Narrator Assessment - Thanksgiving 2011 - Work Time B

I had Thanksgiving on campus and it was alright. I just kicked back all day and slept.I skated around campus. We had a big lunch buffet and it was good. I did not do any thing here so I went to sleep all day. My birth day was the next day and I had fun on my birth day. I was just an ok Thanksgiveing.

Monday, November 21, 2011

"The Cask of Amontillado" Before You Read: Revenge

People seek revenge because so they can feel better
One reason is because they want to get them back for something someone did
For example, say if some one opened the door in the shower and saomeone was in it that person would want to get him back
Another reason is people like revage
In conclusion,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

"The Interlopers” Content Paragraph: Another Point of View

I was out patrolling my forest with my men when I Saw Georg with a rifle

When I came face to face with my Georg, I thought that I might get to shoot him in cold blooded

Then, a tree falls on both of them and they  both get stuck and full of blood

While we were trapped, we agreed to become friends

Then, we tried to call for our men, but they did not come ,but wolves can instead  we both got eaten

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

JCCS Academic Language Week 13 - Interview

SAM-they make youth desensitized

Alyssa- yes because it normalizes violence and makes those behaviors seem socially acceptable

Monday, November 14, 2011

"The Interlopers" Before You Read: Family Feud

One feud I am familiar with is the feud between angels and demons. These two groups dislike each other because they believe in different faiths. The sides show that they are in a feud by fighting with swords. As a result of the feud, the former angel ends up dying, but is reborn to be an angel again. The feud will end when the girl gives birth to the baby that symbolized faith of humans in God.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Third Person Narrator: Plumber, Princess, & Attacking Turtle

There was ones upon a time there was a plumber that liked this hot princess. The plumber worked in the castle and got to meet this princess that he liked and she wanted to go out with each other ,but there was a mean old evil turtle that hated them both. Suddenly the turtle took the princess away. the plumber went and saved the princess Afterward, they went out.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Dragons' Den First Semester Week 10: Homecoming

I did not participate in Spirit Week last week because I was not on campus. I was at New Alternative 18 to serve my "respit" which sucked. I did, however, enjoy the homecomming dance on Friday, October 28th. When I first got inside, I thought the auditorium looked amazing. Thanks to Ms. Priester and her yearbook class, the decorations were great.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Academic Language Practice Paragaph 9

I dint think that vending mushing should be taking out of school or junk food. The regain is that if are hungry during passing pried you can get some thing from the vi ending mushing . The vending mushing strategy is to make money from kids. the chips in the vending mushing is expansive thin previous cost. I think that they should make the cost lower thin it is.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Academic Language Week 8 - Ten Commandments

I think the Ten Commandments shouldn't be allowed in schools because it is church has nothing to do with school. One reason is that not everyone believes in the same things. Second is that the kids that don't believe in that might feel left out and consumed with loneliness . The last reason is that church has nothing to do with the category of school like like what were they thinking, it has nothing to do with learning.  It is not the role of the teacher to spread religion. So yeah it shouldn't be thought in school.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Autobiographical Narrative - Innocent to Compassionate Brainstorm

When I was eight I was innocent because I thought that killing a bird to feed my cat was helpful for the cat.  Then, I experienced remorse and regret for taking bird's life. This helped me to become compassionate because I no longer kill animals.

When I was ten I was innocent because I thought smoking cigarettes was fun. Then, I experienced shortness of breath. This helped me to become compassionate because I hated what it did to my lungs.
When I was twelve I was innocent because I thought fighting was acceptable. Then, I experienced a bloody nose and school suspension. This helped me to become compassionate because I realized that it's wrong to hit other people for no reason.

Corpse Outlines

Dia de los Muertos - Article Summary

Dia de los Muertos is a holiday for remembering and honoring those who have dead. The Day of the Dead falls on November first and second of each year. the day of the day is one of the most celebrate holiday. the first day celebrate the children that dead and the second is the adults that have dead.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Internet Safety Project - Public or Private Profile

Teenagers should set their social networking profiles to private so they can protect themselves from sexual predators. Every time teens go on Facebook, Myspace, or other social networking sites and put pictures of themselves, they are really not deleted from the internet. If the teen's profile is not set to private, sexual predators have the opportunity to browse the web and look at any picture. Not only can they look at any picture, they can talk to you and try to convince you to interact with them sexually. There are many predators in the world so it's important for teens to protect themselves.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

hahaha nxt time log out ur bloggggggggg think 1st

Practice Paragraph

I don't think that the vampire will  not were out because the generations in the past liked it and  our generations likes it to. The main part of the vampire story in general there is always a human in love with a vampire.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Plot Assessment Project - 9

I want to help the  endearment by recycling and cleaning the rodes on the side of the free way. To not use cars that run on gas ,but only on energy. I don't use the light in my room very much. The plant is slowy dieing by globleworming.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Character Trait Acrostic Poems



Z-Z i dont know what to do for Z

H -Hopeless      

"Marigolds" Summary Poem

There is this girl Lizabeth she lived in through the Great Depression, but she was in the poorest neighborhood. She remembers being a little kid and getting into trouble. She was very bored. As bored kids, she, the neighborhood kids, and her brother, went to Miss Lottie's garden and threw rocks at the marigolds. Lizabeth felt ashamed after throwing the pebbles and yellling "Old lady witch."

Later that night Lizabeth went home. She overheard her parents talking about money problems. Lizbeth heard her father crying and her mother humming.

At 4 A.M. she wok eup Joey and went to Miss Lottie's garden. Lizbeth started to destroy the marigolds. As  she did, she began crying. Then she just sat there.

Then Miss Lottie came out. Lizabeth looked up at her, feeling ashamed.

At that moment, her childhood faded away. Miss Lottie never planted marigolds after what happened.

Lizabeth also planted marigolds as an older woman.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dragons' Den First Semester Week 6: Campus Donations

When people donate to San Pasqual Academu, I feel like people are thinking about us and caring. The Friends of San Pasqual donate school supplies, clothes, and sporting supplies. I feel like they are trying to help people in need.  Also, Phillip Rivers and Quentin Jammer helped to pay for the new footbal field.  I think it was really nice for them to do that.  Additionally, I heard that the Friends of San Pasqual pay for prom.  I feel like they do a lot for us.  When I see these people, I say "thank you."

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Academic Language Practice Paragaph 6

Undocumented immigrants should not be given citizenship. They should not be given citizenship because they can have a very bad history and they can bring it with them and then it can cause problems. Whoever is involved in the process of getting a person legalized, should <b>VERIFY</b> that person's background before they enter the U.S. Even if they could <b>SIMPLIFY</b> the process, they still need to be very thorough with everything. Because we have had problems with terrorists in the past, they need to put the person's whole life in a <b>SEQUENCE</b> of events so they can figure out weather or not they should allow them in the U.S. For these reasons I think undocumented immigrants should not be given citizenship.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"Marigolds" Lizbeth's Shoes Paragraph

I had my parents talk about money when we live in  this apartments. They said that we need to start to make more money so we can be pay the bill for the apartment. they need to get a better job. My pants started to save but we had to move from the apartments to anther one. so we and ed up living on the streets

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Moving into Adulthood

I think most people fear where to live and how to pay the bills. The main problem is how they can find a job and not get fired. Adults have to pay tax's and have to keep food on the table for there kids if they have any. They need a way to go and come from work. They need to pay for there kids school and supplies. adults have to get a good eduction so they can get good job so they can get more money.

Monday, September 26, 2011

"Everyday Use" or "Thank You, M'am" Character Graphic Organizer

Dragons' Den: About Me ABC's

Apples are very tasty to me.
Biking is fun .
Cats are nice to me.
Dares to be different.
Enjoys playing basketball.
Forgets to complete homework.
Google myself.
Hopes to graduate
Interrupts people
January is my favorite month.
Kick butt at kickball.
Likes rock music.
Music is my soul.
No problems making friends
Originally from Escondido
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches my favorite lunch meal.
Quite sometimes
Ready for anything
Stays up super late
Thanks my CASA for helping me get photos of my dad
Usually comb my hair.
Very lazy.
Want to go to China
X-ercises and lift weights once a week.
Yuck! I dislike tuna sandwiches.
Zoos are fun.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Favorite Character Survey

ZJ's favorite character is Chuky in Child's Play who can be described as evil.

Jeremiah's favorite character is Quagmire in Family Guy who can be described as hilarious.

Damien's favorite character is Johnny True Love from Alpha Dog who can be described as cold-blooded.

Isiah's favorite character is Sam Witwicki from Transformers who can be described as outgoing.

Rossy's favorite character is Boo from Monster's Inc. who can be described as playful.

Rachels' favorite character is Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas who can be described as determined.

Brians favorit character is Barny In The Barny Show can be described as loveable

Ms perister favorit character is Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird who can be described as curious.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dragons Den:Life Lesson

A life lesson I learned the hard way is meeting deadlines. For example, when I don't do my homework, I have to make it up during "doghouse" time. I used to think if I didn't do them on time, I would have extra time to make them up. Then, I started missing a lot of assignments, especially warm-up assignments. My grade got low. I learned that if I turn in it late, I still get credit. I learned that I have to complete my assingments on time. Now, I try not to turn in late work. It has helped some.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dragons Den: Power Outage

On Thursday evening, I was in Boys 4 when suddenly the power went out. In response, I blamed Andrew for the power outage because he was on the computer. Then, I just hung out and talked with Andrew, Waldo, and Robert K.  Later, I was bored, so I went to my house. This reminded me of the time when I lived in my last foster home. We were watching TV, and then the power went out!  During study hour, it was different because there wasn't power to do Ms. Priester's homework! When the power came back on, I was asleep. In the morning, I was indifferent to the power outage.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

pets friends

Sample Paragraph Outline: --Topic Sentence: Answer the prompt.
--Supporting Details: Give at least three examples to support your answer.
--Closing Sentence: Give a final statement that wraps up the paragraph.

A pet can be a man's best friend.  Pets have feeling like humans and so if two things love each outher they can be best friends.Humans always had pets long befor time began.  some times thry proteact ues from danger. pets can tell when you are sad and man, they can tell your moods.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

drgons den

My favorite brand of shoes are made by Nike. they are skateboard shoes but , they can be worn every day. I  like them because its a good grip for skateboarding. In case you have never seen them they look like a swish on the side in different colors. They feel good when you put them because they have cushion on the bottom. The shoes are a 6.0 which is a brand. My favorite is the red with a black swoosh and rim around the shoe.I would not wear the shoes on a regular basis because they are worn out faster. I like these shoes because they are comfortable and easy to put on when in a hurry. If I saw a peer wearing these shoes I would say, "Good looking shoes!".

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The most dangerous game paragraph

At frist the story was confusing, but it went on the pieces started to fit together. the stroy had alot of foreshdowing that led up to the events. Then the story became cleare to me and the story became to have more action. The villian is zar off. he is facinates me, beacues he has alot of determination to kill, but some how he still loss in the end

Mad Libs from a Stalker

Dear Rigo,

You are extremly smelly and I fight you! I want kiss your pinky toe 6 times. You make my pooperscooper burn with desire. When I first saw you, I madly stared at you and fell in love. Will you dance with me? Don`t let your parents discourage you, we are just jealous.
Love always,
Your Stalker!

the syllabus

I think the syllabus is a grate thing to teach kids with. Its a good thing to get information on your teacher and halps you with your work. say that you forgot some thing in your class, you can call the teacher. I dont like it when we do all the work on the computer. I like it when we can do homework in the computer.

Monday, August 29, 2011

What color am I.

My color is gold. the color thar most represents me is gold. Im like this color becues is represnts bravery. the color is maens the best that you can be. If you were around me ill be my best. If you talk to me ill only make you feel beter about your self and if you are feeling sad ill try to make you happy.

Suggested Outline:
1. Topic Sentence:
---A color that represents me is _____.
2. Supporting Details:
---I am similar to this color because…
---This color represents my ….
---This color is symbolic of …..
3. Closing Sentence:
---If you are around me a lot, you will see this color on/in…

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Conflict Plot Summary Paragraph

one day I was looking forward to skateboarding outside with some friends. In instead I was stopped by pouring rain and hail. SO instead I decided that would still go out anyway. It turned out to be a good day and I still got time to skate with my friends. The plan back fired and I got a bad cold.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

school to day

to day was a verey fun makeing a blog